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All the Way my Saviour Leads
Orig Key:G | New Key:

Title: All the Way my Saviour Leads Me

Key: G

E  A2/E

Verse 1

E                               A2/E
 All the way my Savior leads me;
E                         A2/E
 Who have I to ask beside?
F#m7               Amaj7/E    B2
 How could I doubt  His tender mercy,
F#m7               Amaj7/E    B2
 Who through life has been my  guide?
E                               A2/E
 All the way my Savior leads me;
E                              A2
 And cheers each winding path I tread,
F#m7                Amaj7/E     Bsus
 And gives me grace  for every trial,
F#m7          Amaj7/E    Bsus
 Feeds me with the living Bread.
   A2    E/G#   Bsus
You lead me and keep me from falling.
   A2    E/G# Bsus
You carry me close to Your heart,
   F#m7 E        Bsus
And surely Your goodness and mercy
    F#m7 E  Bsus
Will follow me.
Verse 2
E                      A2/E
 All the way my Savior leads me
E                           A2/E
 O, the fullness of His love
F#m7    Amaj7/E            B2
 O, the sure - ness of His promise
F#m7    Amaj7/E       B2
 In the triumph of His blood
E                           A2/E
 And when my spirit clothed immortal
C#m7       E/B                A2
 Wings its flight to realms of day
F#m7        Amaj7/E           Bsus
 This my song through endless ages
F#m7      Amaj7/E  Bsus
 Jesus led me all the way
A2                      Bsus
 Jesus led me all the way
(Repeat Chorus 2x)
    F#m7 E Bsus
Will follow me
E  A2/E
E                      A2/E   E  A2/E
All the way my Savior leads me...
E                      A2/E   E  A2/E
All the way my Savior leads me...